Went a few days fishing with Shane to loch Etive off the shore.We started fishing about 10pm. After a couple off hours we were into some fish. The old dogfish made the first apperance and then some thornies. Still no spurs about thats when ur greatful for the doggies to keep the action going. Then I noticed a slight bite struck into it and the rod had a nice bend in it. Landed the first spur off 7lbs 10ozs not a bad fish picture taken then released. Called it a day round about 3.00am and went for a kip.

We woke about 8am the next day and was ready for another session. Through out the day we had more doggies and thornies till some small codling made an apperance then I landed a small thornie about 2lbs with some thorns on the tip off the nose and over its eyes. Turning it around it had four thorns sticking out from its belly never came across one like this also had ridges on its head. We called it a day around 6pm as I managed to land a nice ling off 2lbs 7ozs and scorpion fish before we left.
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