Friday, 21 June 2019

A couple of hours fishing

After the club match on tues night we had some bait left and headed out last night for a couple of hours fishing to see what was about. We planed to fish the tide down and a couple off hours back up. We arrived about 7pm with a nice surf running along the beach. First bass fell to Shane as the tide started to fill in the gully's around 10pm. Not big fish just schoolies, best one I lost in the surf about 3lbs light hooked in the mouth, it popped the hook as it shook it head.

The bites were not aggressive just small taps like flounder bites, they were either on or holding onto the bait as we lost a few like that. We packed up around 2am so much for a couple of hours but you have to take it as it happens. In total we had 11 bass and 2 whiting between us all fish were returned back alive.


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